Chronic Fatigue Treatments | Dr. Pat Nardini, ND | Naturopath Belleville | Nardini Naturopathic

Chronic Fatigue Treatments

What is Chronic Fatigue?

Chronic fatigue is a difficult and complex issue. Many people often feel tired at some point during their day, but there’s often more to it than just getting enough sleep. In fact, some people end up sleeping a tremendous amount yet wake up feeling exhausted! Those suffering from chronic fatigue aren’t necessarily exerting themselves further than an average person either.

Imagine the frustration when you sleep all day, don’t exert yourself, and still feel exhausted at the end of the day!

What Causes Chronic Fatigue?

The exact cause of chronic fatigue is different from person to person, but there are many factors to take into consideration. Nutrition (especially iron deficiency), psychological stress, a hormonal imbalance, and of course, poor sleeping habits, among others, can all have a large impact on our energy levels during the day.

In extreme cases, you may be suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a health issue which is notoriously difficult to diagnose, since its symptoms mimic many other illnesses.

But when you suffer from chronic fatigue, it’s always related to the health of your endocrine system, especially your thyroid and adrenal glands. When your endocrine system is out of harmony with the rest of your body, it can cause some major health issues, including chronic fatigue.

Chronic Fatigue Treatments

Dr. Nardini, ND can help you find the root cause of your fatigue, and help you to treat it with naturopathic methods. You’ll be back on your feet and feeling healthy and vibrant again with naturopathic treatment for your chronic fatigue!

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Dr. Pat Nardini, ND is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor in Toronto, Canada. His practice focuses on promotion of the overall health of his patients through a wide range of naturopathic methods. He has been in private practice now for over 10 years and specialises in thyroid conditions, primarily Wilson's Temperature Syndrome. Bio. Connect with jim on: Facebook | Google+ |

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Dr. Pat Nardini, ND

Dr. Pat Nardini, ND is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor in Toronto, Canada. His practice focuses on promotion of the overall health of his patients through a wide range of naturopathic methods. He has been in private practice now for over 10 years and specialises in thyroid conditions, primarily Wilson's Temperature Syndrome. Bio. Connect with jim on: Facebook | Google+ |