Botanical Medicine Treatments | Dr. Pat Nardini, ND | Naturopath Belleville | Nardini Naturopathic

Botanical Medicine

Botanical medicine is simply the use of plant extracts in medicine. Its use goes back as far as the earliest writings of humankind, and was certainly used for millennia before that as well.  Many different organic materials have special healing properties which are known, and botanical medicine makes use of these properties to help your body heal itself naturally. These materials include plants as well as seeds, roots, stems, and certain types of tree bark.

naturopath who is trained in the use of botanical medicine can match specific extracts of certain organic materials with the issues that you face, and create a preparation that helps to treat those issues. Botanical medicine is entirely plant derived, with no synthetic elements used.

Contact Dr. Nardini, ND today to discover more about botanical medicine and how it can help you.

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Dr. Pat Nardini, ND is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor in Toronto, Canada. His practice focuses on promotion of the overall health of his patients through a wide range of naturopathic methods. He has been in private practice now for over 10 years and specialises in thyroid conditions, primarily Wilson's Temperature Syndrome. Bio. Connect with jim on: Facebook | Google+ |

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Dr. Pat Nardini, ND

Dr. Pat Nardini, ND is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor in Toronto, Canada. His practice focuses on promotion of the overall health of his patients through a wide range of naturopathic methods. He has been in private practice now for over 10 years and specialises in thyroid conditions, primarily Wilson's Temperature Syndrome. Bio. Connect with jim on: Facebook | Google+ |